
On this page we want to thanking all persons and corporations they help us to reconstruct buildungs and vehicles around of our narrow gauge railway.

The station building of the station Bertsdorf was built in 1890 and is still in its original state receive. The former official residence of the first railway administrator of the ZOJE became an accommodation for Railway enthusiasts from all over the world built.

Unfortunately, the old windows on the first floor are in very poor condition. Due to conservation regulations, the new windows must be made from wood true to original.

The funding now received through the program Entwicklungsprogramm für den ländlichen Raum im Freistaat Sachsen (EPLR) 2014-2020 includes the planned project of Renovation of the windows on the first floor of the reception building in the station Bertsdorf .

Heiko Firle, Chairman

Bauschlosserrei Schlick Logo Schlick Metallbau
Inhaber Tristan Schlick
Bauschlosserei - Blitzschutzbau - Schlüsseldienst
Schmeidelgäßchen 2
D 02763 Zittau
03583 510563
Ingenieur- und Holzbau
Bauing. Frank Grosse
Holztreppen aller Art
Großschönauer Straße 2b
D 02796 Kurort Jonsdorf
035884 70077